Lješev Stup
Before the war
Vuk Lješevostupac
Vuk Raslapčević
Clan Kuzman
Wars before 1918
Resistance and KPJ
World War II
End of XX century
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Vuk Lješevostupac

OLDEST ancestor Popivoda, about who the legend was passed on from generation to generation, and which is mentioned in written sources, is the Vuk Lješevostupac.  Today in the village Lješev Stup there is a land with housing, which is called Vukosavlje Valley. The first written reference about Vuk Lješevostupac comes from Njegoš "Mirror Serbian" and "Mountain wreath" - in 1846, and 1847. In the "Mirror Serbian" in the poem VII "attack on Vuk Mandušić 1713.", in which the was described the persecution of the marauding Turkish army from Meoca Cucka to the river Zeta, are the verses:

"Look at Vuk of the Lješev Stup

late was at arriving

so did he attack the Turks

killed  Turk on the Zeta;

and the fight ended"

      The "Mountain wreath" V../06 - 01 O Vuku Ljesevostupcu 04.htmluk Lješevostupac is also one of the celebrated personalities. As it is known, the subject of this work is the extermination of converts in Montenegro, and believes that all personals from the "Mountain wreath", historical figures, only it can not claim for one the most important figures - abbot Stefan,  passage from "Mountain wreath" which mentions the Vuk Lješevostupac as follows:


"Danu, Vuče iz Lješeva Stupa,

uzmi gusle da nas razgovoriš;

kad je dobro neka je i bolje."


"Čevo ravno gnijezdo junačko,

a krvavo ljudsko razbojište,

mnoge li si vojske zapamtilo,

mnoge li si majke ojadilo!

ljudske su te kosti zatrpale,

ljudskom si se krvlju opjanilo

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

After he sang the song "Cevo straight ...", Vuk  leaves gusle


"Danu, Vuče, nemoj prekidati,

razgovora bez takvoga nema.


Ne umijem vojvoda, pa je ljepše ostaviti".

        Perunović J. Stanko, who analysed the figures and characters, of the "Mountain wreath," says:

       Vuk Lješevostupac was mentioned in the "Mirror Serbian" (song VII). The poet in "Mountain wreath" assigned him a role to sing, in front of the chiefs, one of the most famous songs what we have in our language, with which Njegoš almost overcome not only all our Art songs, but what for all the centuries created our collective, national genius. This wonderful song about the many hard battles that "Čevo flat", had over the head, written in  the ceremonial way, in a raised emotional tone which expressed deep national feelings and enormous respect for the such resistance that this area for centuries had against the enemy. All that can be said about Vuk Lješevostupac is included in the fact that he just played gusle and sang strong song to "entertain" his listeners. The fact that poet gave to Vuk this role, certainly implies his respect for this person and his character.

       It is believed that Vukosav - Vuk Lješevostupac (Vuk from Lješev Stup) was born around 1660. It is a personality who lives in the tradition of the clan Popivoda as their direct ancestor. Although he lived a long time ago, it is no wonder that today there is a lot of stories about him, because in the direct line ancestors are long remembered, especially those who particularly deserve. Those from the older generation, who are still among us, remember how the boys who competed who will recount more of his ancestors in direct line (the son-father-grandfather-great grandfather etc.) and is no wonder what ancestors are remembered for ten generations. As for the time in which the Vuk was born, we should bear in mind that during the investigation of converts he was well known, that in the Montenegrin Assembly as a representative of his region received the honour and the role he got, that he was part of the society chiefs, and and the very bishop Danilo - the ruler of Montenegro, which means that this person with such merit and reputation could be between 40 and 60 years of age.  At the time, as the song says, "killed a Turk, on the river Zeta" he could been 50-55 years old, what is quite normal for the National Leader and commander. At the same time it must be remembered that at that time Montenegrins went to war with over 60 years of age, and that it was no rarity. On the other hand, if you take the birth of his descendants, whose birth was first recorded in the registers (Lazar Đurov, born 1867, and Mato Perov, born in 1869), if we go back seven generations, counting every generation in 30 years, it leads us to information that Vuk Lješevostupac was actually born around the 1660.

      It is interesting that Vuk Lješevostupac was named differently from all other personals in the "Mountain Wreath". Specifically, while all other personals were mentioned by personal name with the title (serdar Radonja, serdar Vukota, Rade prince, duke Rogan, Duke Drasko, Duke Batrić, priest Mico, etc.) or by name and surname (Janko Đurašković, Tomaš Martinovic, Raslapčević Vuk, Vuk Mićunović etc.), only the Vuk Lješevostupac was named after his village of origin - Ljesev Stup. This can be interpreted as that the poet wanted to highlight him as representative of this village, and so highlight that fact, or that Vuk was widely known by his village as part of personal name.

As for the name Vuk, not Vukosav, as was his right name, it is known that in our famous leaders and heroes often have the name of Vuk . For example, in "Mountain wrath" six persons have that name, and at first sight looks strange, and such a coincidence of good voice and the name Vuk - incredible, but it should be borne in mind that in Katunska district there are common names in whose base is the name of Vuk (Vuko, Vukota, Vukan etc), and most of all, there is the name - Vuko. Christen name Vuk was less often.  The custom was to give the baptism of one of the listed or similar names, and only if that person in the active life, first of all in military campaigns, earn - to be called by the name of Vuk, as a synonym for the best of the best, and leaves the Christian name. The case, says tradition, was also with the name of Vukosav - Vuk Lješevostupac. It is also known that the name Vuk they gave to individuals as an honorary name, as a sign of popularity and renown, regardless of how his real name.

Popivoda lineage, which from Vukosava - Vuk Lješevostupac developed in the three branch of his three sons, Radule, Mrkoje and Vukadin. Mrkoje lineage ended out in the third line, while the other two sons, extending a branch, but it still continues to only one offspring up to the fifth or sixth line. In those five to six lines were, of course, the descendants of the side lines, but they died, and their lines ended. Only the direct line ancestors were remembered, and the other is covered oblivion. So the family lineage, really strange, developed only after two straight line five to six generations, and developed only from Dajica Jovov and Marko Radov. By Dajica and Marko, of which the line widely developed, their descendants today, for the clarity of that branch they come, call each other - Dajičić and Marković .